A new year brings fresh starts—not just for our routines, but also for the way we approach our personal style. Jewelry can be a subtle or loud way to express your personality and start conversations which is why people love it. When I design jewelry, I always think about the clients comments and vision because jewelry is more than just an accessory; jewelry tells a story and has a story of its own.
Refresh Your Style and Build a Meaningful Collection
by SKYLI BRITT – January 31, 2025

I know that setting jewelry goals was probably not at the top of your goal setting lists, but it’s a great way to get creative and refresh your style. Also, you don’t need a huge budget to feel great about the pieces you wear. Let’s talk about how you can create some fun jewelry goals for yourself in 2025.
Three Ways to Approach Jewelry Goals:
1. Appreciate and maintain what you already have
Rediscover pieces of jewelry that you have not worn in a long time and style an outfit with it. Organize your jewelry collection so that it’s safe and easy to look at. Organize your collection to keep your pieces safe, tangle-free, and easy to access when planning outfits! While organizing, you may want to repurpose a piece that no longer resonates with you which is defiantly doable. Have fun with it!
Learn more about taking care of your pieces here:

2. Experiment with New Jewelry Styles in 2025
It is always good to step out of your comfort zone and experiment with new ideas and jewelry is no exception. There is a plethora of different styles, sizes, and colors when it comes to jewelry and it creates a limitless opportunity for new & unique style choices. Is there a trend you’ve admired on someone else? Now’s the perfect time to try it for yourself. The options are endless.

3. Build a Meaningful Collection!
A piece of jewelry can have many different meanings and as you build your collection you will notice that certain pieces represent milestones in life, others spoke to you the moment you saw them, and some just make you feel really great about yourself. When adding to your collection think about quality over quantity, focus on versatility, and special moments to remember.

This year, focus on finding joy in your jewelry collectionWill you add something new? Organize your current collection? Or maybe wear your favorite ring more often to show it off? Whatever your goals, Skyli Design is here to help you make them happen
by SKYLI BRITT – January 31, 2025